Products Name :Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes
This material is a popular general purpose electrode due to the excellent arc behavior and good tip life. This is a radioactive formula, however. Vapors, grinding dust and disposal of thorium dioxide raise health, safety and environmental concerns. Use only when contractually required by FAR specifi cation. Products Application:Stainless steels、Carbon steel、Nickel、Titanium、Copper and its alloys
Products Name :Ceriated Tungsten Electrodes
This material good for low-amp, DC orbital tube, pipe, thin sheet, and small part applications, this formula off ers low current capacity, low arc ignition, good arc stability and is non-radioactive. Products Application:Stainless steels、pipeline and small precision parts welding.
Products Name :2% Lanthanated Tungsten Electrodes
This material is a good general purpose non-radioactive replacement for 2% Thoriated. It has excellent ignition performance, low-burn-off rate, excellent re-ignition, and good service life. Products Application:Stainless steels、Carbon steel、Nickel、Titanium、Copper、Magnesium、Aluminium and its alloys
Products Name :1.5% Lanthanated Tungsten Electrodes
This material is a good general purpose non-radioactive replacement for 1.5% Thoriated. It has excellent ignition performance, low-burn-off rate, excellent re-ignition, and good service life. Products Application:Stainless steels、Carbon steel、Nickel、Titanium、Copper、Magnesium、Aluminium and its alloys
Products Name :Zirconiated Tungsten Electrodes
Used for radiographic-quality welding where tungsten contamination must be minimized. Balls-up easily in AC applications,good arc starting and current capacity. Products Application:Magnesium、Aluminium and its alloys
Products Name :Pure Tungsten Electrodes
Pure tungsten has a high work-function which makes it diffi cult to start and maintain a stable arc. High burn-off rate results in short service life. Products Application:Magnesium、Aluminium and its alloys