Howard Counting Chamber Mold Counting Chamber Haw's Measurement Slide Tomato Glass Count Plate Mold Counting Device

Howard Counting Chamber Mold Counting Chamber Haw's Measurement Slide Tomato Glass Count Plate Mold Counting Device

Mold counting chamber is mainly used in food factories, tomato factories, food testing, etc., preliminary testing whether molds exceed the standard, Hao’s measuring slides are also called mold counting tablets, mold counting devices, mainly by: slides, coverslips and micrometer (fitted).

1. Slides
The center of the slide has a rectangular plane of 15~20mm, with a boundary groove around it, and a shoulder bank with a height of 0.1mm on both sides. The plane and the shoulder embankment have optical properties. Two parallel lines intersecting 1.382 are engraved in the middle of the plane.

2. Coverslips
The surface of the coverslip has optical properties. When using, the cover glass is placed on the two shoulder sills of the slide glass. When the flatness of the two planes reaches a certain level, a circle of red, yellow, blue, green and other colorful colored rings may appear in contact with each other. Known as the Newton ring. Before use, wipe the shoulder and cover slip of the slide with alcohol to achieve a certain degree of smoothness, so that the two can be tightly combined to produce a Newton ring.

3. Micrometer (fitted)
The patch is a circular circular slide engraved in the center. When used, it is placed on the aperture of the microscope. The microscope must have a standardized field of view. When the magnification of the microscope is 90 to 125 times, the diameter of the field of view is 1.382 mm, and the length of each side of the small square of the matching piece is equivalent to 1/6 of the diameter of the light field of the field of view. The field of view is the standard field of view. .
Mold Counting Tablets Hao’s Measuring Slides Mold Detection Device Howard Mold Counting Plate

4. Standard visual field inspection
Place the slide on the stage of the microscope, place the piece on the aperture of the eyepiece, and observe. There are two conditions for a standard view:
(1) The slides are clustered at 1.382, and the two parallel lines of mm are tangent to the field of view;
(2) The four sides of the large square are also tangent to the field of view.
For the above two conditions, as long as one of them does not want to comply, please use it after correction.

Howard Counting Chamber Mold Counting Chamber Haw's Measurement Slide Tomato Glass Count Plate Mold Counting Device