LPG Error Codes: AEB, KING, Bigas, Landi, Landi Renzo...

LPG Error Codes: AEB, KING, Bigas, Landi, Landi Renzo...



LPG Error Codes: AEB, KING, Bigas, Landi, Landi Renzo…
Error codes for AEB ECU’s such as King, Bigas, Landi, Landi Renzo, Lovato, Eurogas, Vogels VGI, Emmegas ICS-03, Elpigaz, Romano, OMVL, Zavoli:
Preparation Errors:
P01 It is impossible to connect to the control unit through COM or USB ports. The system cannot find a connection to the control unit. The control unit is not communicating wi th the system; the communication pathway may have been interrupted.  
P02 The connected control unit is not compatible (either because of its hardware or its firmware).  
P03 An error has occurred while opening the setup file.  
P04 An error has occurred while decrypting the setup file. (The setup procedure requires an Internet Explorer version higher than 5.5, with 128-bit cryptography).
Setup Errors:
P05 Wrong setup current.  
P06 An error has occurred while erasing flash memory.
P07 An error has occurred while initializing the system (BAD_PREPARATION).
P08 An error has occurred while initializing the system (BAD_ERASE).
P09 An error has occurred while starting the setup process.  
P10 Input data are void.  
P11 Wrong cryptographic mode.
P12 Generic setup error.  
P1000 and up An error has occurred while setting up the record (ERR.CODE-1000).  
Writing of the firmware has failed. Try again.  
Hardware key
H01 An error has occurred while reading/writing the hardware key.
H02 No hardware key compatible with the program has been found.  
H03 The number of accesses/the data of the key have expired.  
H04 Data not compatible with the data stored in the key.  
C01 It is impossible to connect to the control unit through COM or USB ports. The system cannot find a connection to the control unit. The control unit is not communicating with the system; the communication path may have been interrupted.  
C02 An error has occurred while loading the control unit identification data.  
C03 The firmware of the connected control unit is not compatible with the calibration tool.  
C04 The calibration tool is not compatible with the firmware of the connected control unit.



LPG Error Codes: AEB, KING, Bigas, Landi, Landi Renzo...